Power surge ruins electronics

The neutral wire in the power line defaulted and caused the two remaining 110 volts to put out a constant overload of 220 volts

Power Surge. Ya think?

This was more than a power surge. The neutral wire in the power line defaulted and caused the two remaining 110 volts to put out a constant overload of 220 volts which lasted 10 minutes, shattered light bulbs and arc welded them in their sockets.

The lights were strobing in one room while burnt out in the other and the kitchen was as bright as a search light. The smell of burnt wires filled the house, I thought the inside of the walls were on fire.

I called 911 and in a panic I put the dog in the car and “yah” no power to the garage door, power on and off everywhere else. I disconnected the  door and grabbed a 2’ x 4’ and wrenched up the door, drove out and to my relief Nick the fire marshal arrived and called Hydro.

My TV, receiver box, computer, telephones, and power bar were fried from too much power. I’m on fixed income and have to replace these things, pay the electrician. The damage was done when Hydro arrived. It’s now been 22 days, had no TV programs and waited. Thank goodness there was no personal injury or house fire. Hydro states they are not liable as stated in their electric tariff.

Marie Gell

Qualicum Beach

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