PR system works great in New Zealand

I'm shaking my head at some of the nonsense I've seen in your publication from the opponents of PR.

PR system works great in New Zealand

As a Canadian living in New Zealand, which has used proportional representation since 1996, I’m sitting here shaking my head at some of the nonsense I’ve seen in your publication from the opponents of PR.

My 21 years of experience of PR as a voter has been very good. Where the old system (the one Canada and BV still use) gave me one MP who usually wasn’t the person I voted for, New Zealand’s PR system has resulted in me having four local MPs, at least one of whom I did vote for.

I am more strongly represented then ever I was under the old system.

Chaos hasn’t rained down upon New Zealand. The world didn’t end.

New Zealand just got a much better democracy through PR.

But trying to explain that to people with no personal experience of it is like trying to explain colour to the blind at times. Maybe it’s the arrogance the gets me. They are certain PR doesn’t work despite 85 per cent of democracies using it and my own 21 years of experience of it carries no weight with them.

I hope B.C. adopts a PR system soon. It’s really good. Just do it.

Steve Withers

Auckland, New Zealand

Cowichan Valley Citizen