Practice barbecue safety

Please do not have your spare tank anywhere near the tank that is being used.

I am hoping that you can find a spot to pass on this reminder now that barbecue season is in progress.

We had a terrible accident last year with a propane tank explosion. My husband was seriously burned over most of his body. He is recovering slowly and still has a couple of surgeries ahead. He was in the hospital for several months.

Our reminder is please do not have your spare tank anywhere near the tank that is being used. They can be stored side by side, but if you are cooking, please put the spare tank some distance away.

Our accident involved a valve leak in the tank in use and because the spare tank beside got too hot, the pressure relief valve expelled propane and ignited the leaking valve into a fireball.

My husband – who was a few feet away – was engulfed in the flame for only a few seconds, but the damage was very severe. We just want this message to get to as many people so it doesn’t happen to anyone else.


Del Letendre

Surrey Now Leader