Precautions around train tracks refocused in Rail safety week

CN: Promoting rail safety is a year-round initiative

CN Rail


Promoting rail safety is a year-round initiative at CN. We are constantly working to strengthen our safety culture by informing and engaging community members to help spread the word.

This April 25-May 1, during Rail Safety Week, we are especially focused on the message “see tracks, think trains.”

Every year we see far too many injuries and fatalities as a result of easily avoidable accidents.

Many tragedies take place every year as a result of trespassing – crossing or walking along railway tracks at any place other than a designated level crossing.

The railway is not a safe place for kids to play, and it’s not safe for adults to take shortcuts across it.

The high risk of an accident is why CN Police across our system work to identify the highest risk areas for trespassing, and develop targeted strategies to reduce incidents.

However, especially here in Northern BC, we can’t be everywhere. That’s why we’re counting on everyone in the communities we serve to follow the rules and discourage others from risky behaviours.

We also work hard to raise awareness of and prevent crossing accidents.

Remember, trains can’t stop quickly, and can’t swerve to avoid a collision. That’s why it is so important to obey all railway crossing signs and signals, and to stop fully and check the tracks before driving through an uncontrolled crossing.

Rail safety is everyone’s responsibility.  By looking out for each other we can keep our communities safe.

Railway properties are not playgrounds and should not be used to take short cuts.

We encourage you to report any dangerous acts to CN Police, local police, parents, or your teachers.

Trespassing on CN property is illegal. If caught, you could receive a fine of $115.00 – but you could also pay a far steeper price in the event of an accident.

Remember, when it comes to train tracks: Stay off! Stay Away! Stay safe!


Vanderhoof Omineca Express