Premier Clark, with the surplus, please pave rural roads

South Cariboo resident suggests rural roads need pavement

To the editor:

I live on Sheridan Lake road east which is residential, off of Highway 24, 2.2 kilometres long.

We, the residents have asked highways to pave it, and their answer is; it is too expensive. During the summer months, the road gets so rough that driving on it is a real challenge, and at times walking on it is almost impossible with the dust which is somewhat of a health hazard. Last year there was over 7,000 movements on it because of the two gravel pits at the end of this road.

I was wondering, if – with the government surplus, you would be able to spend some money on this road, it would make life a lot better for all the residents that live here.

Thank you,

Wiliam Jaenicke


100 Mile House Free Press