Premier Clark’s denial reveals her ineptitude

Reader: not know what her staff is doing shows incompetency

To the editor:

Premier Christy Clark says she was unaware members in her administration, including her deputy chief of staff, were triple deleting government emails (no doubt in an effort to prevent public scrutiny).

If her denial is not an outright lie, then it reveals she is an incompetent premier and should never have been entrusted with the welfare of our province.

Would you buy a used car from Clark?

No doubt she would smile coyly and insist the vehicle had only been driven 19,000 kilometres even if the odometer indicated 119,000.

She would say the liquid under the car was condensation from the air conditioner when it was obvious the radiator was leaking.

She would state the vehicle was one of the safest, even if the Consumers Report crashworthiness tests rated it one of the worst.

If Ms. Clark was selling something I wanted, I wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.

Lloyd Atkins


100 Mile House Free Press