Premier opens up purse string, but who pays?

There are questions we should be asking the Liberals and ourselves before we decide to vote for them

So Premier Christy Clark decided to loosen the public purse strings and open the cheque book just over six months before the election. Pure coincidence? I doubt it.

There are questions we should be asking the Liberals and ourselves before we decide to vote for them.

One is the 10-year, $650-million capital spending plan. Why would Clark assume she and the liberals will win the next three elections? Seems arrogant to me.

The spending announcement involves federal funds yet to be negotiated. What if the federal government does not buy in as much as the B.C. Liberals anticipate, what then?

Another question is where did they pinch pennies to come up with $200 million.

I know a couple of places they didn’t pinch pennies: their lunches on our dime and pay raises to civil service brass, who received an average 10 per cent pay hike, while teachers were told no money was available.

Andre Mollon, Langford


Oak Bay News