Premier’s LNG dreams aren’t being realized

Outright wacky ideas much like this hyped-up liquefied natural gas project fall squarely on the head of wannabe-empress Christy Clark.

To the Editor,

Re: Editorial cartoon, Feb. 25.

It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words but in this case, words are not required because it tells the story of the whole continuing problem for B.C.’s economic failure.

Outright wacky ideas much like this hyped-up liquefied natural gas project fall squarely on the head of wannabe-empress Christy Clark.

She can just keep right on smiling all she wants, much like a used-car salesperson trying to sell a Pinto with a lot of promises that it will become a classic collectible.

In all, her basket is just as empty as her promises.

Al MunroNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin