Prepare for a flood of referendums

This referendum is about bigger issues than just transportation. It is a test. Be aware of the implications of voting yes.

We are about to have a referendum for the first specific tax for specific purposes – 2015: Metro Vancouver Congestion Improvement Tax.

Now if the referendum results are positive, I have some predictions.

The floodgates will open because politicians have learned a new way to market new tax sources.

Be ready for some new “worthy cause” referendums:

2016: Education Class Size Reduction Tax;

2017: Health Wait Time Reduction Tax;

2018: Policing Enhancement Tax;

2019: Poverty Reduction Tax;

2020: Affordable Housing Tax;

2021: Utility Infrastructure Replacement Tax;

2022: [Insert popular issue here] Tax.

Let’s not forget the general tax revenue fund.

It will continue to exist but will be left for whimsical projects.

This referendum is about bigger issues than just transportation.

It is a test. Be aware of the implications of voting yes.


Allan Alton, Surrey


Surrey Now Leader