Daresay - Deb Meissner

Prepare to pivot, and do it with a smile

Deb reflects on fall, elections and everyday heroes

Fall is a gorgeous time of year in the Bulkley Valley. It seems to come around faster every year, and each year I always swear we are not going to have to run around preparing the house and yard before the snow flies, yet again we are.

As predictable as the black bear that comes around every year and swings around in my neighbour’s apple tree, and the snow dusting on the mountains around the first of September, we find ourselves once again gathering wood, getting the garden prepped, and any number of fall chores that we have put off all summer.

I find as I chat with folks, we are not alone, either in feeling Fall comes around faster, or that we have put off what we knew needed to be done. I can’t even blame it on a crappy summer, as this was a beautiful one.

What I have figured out is, after spending so much time at home through COVID lockdowns, I wanted to be anywhere but here. So I have decided to consider COVID my excuse for this year’s procrastination. Wish I could blame it for time flying too, but that’s a bit of a stretch.

With this fall, comes yet another election.

It seems over the last year I have covered one election after another. Although my editor loves elections, I do not. I’ve lived through enough of them on both sides of the border to be able to recite what I will call the “avoidance answer,” almost by rote. They begin with “that’s a great question Deb,” and then go on to not answer, but use a lot of words.

It’s frustrating, but I vote. Too many in this world do not have the privilege of having a voice in their government. And every veteran fought for our right to vote, so I do, and I encourage everyone to vote as well.

Fall also brings school, at least this year.

The challenges teachers have had to adjust to, not only this year, but over the last year too, have been mind-boggling. I know all the teachers are trying very hard for our kids, and I do not envy their jobs. I am, however, grateful they keep trying.

As parents and grandparents, I think patience and good communication will be the key to success this year, and as my daughter says “it’s a pivot year, mum.”

She teaches in Calgary and they have been in school for a month already, and she relates that teachers keep having to “pivot” with every change, mandate, and new decree.

I think teachers, along with first responders, doctors, nurses and many, many others deserve medals along with our eternal gratitude.

Included in my continued thanks are also all the folks who have been working to feed, clothe, keep things clean, stocked and working. My hat is off to you, and will continue to be. You could have stayed on or gone on E.I., or many other CERB related programs, but you are working, and I thank you.

So this fall, as I run around like a squirrel gathering nuts for winter, voting, preparing, weatherproofing, etc., I encourage myself and all of us to slow down enough to enjoy the beauty around us, to slow down and show others appreciation, and to actually slow down around schools and other areas kids play and are.

And be prepared to “pivot” this year, and please do it with a smile.

Smithers Interior News