Prime minister is gunning for upstart B.C. residents

Did Gordon Campbell and Stephen Harper work out some kind of deal on several issues?

Editor: Am I the only one who sees what is going on here, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper unceremoniously closing down a vital marine centre on the coast?  I have no doubt that Gordon Campbell and Harper struck up a lucrative deal, which included Campbell implementing the HST (despite the fact that his campaign promises included no HST) in return for a nice cushy posting.

Campbell knew he would be facing the wrath of the B.C. voters once he did his about face on this issue.

Let’s see — the conversation probably went something like this:

Campbell: “I will implement the HST but this will probably cost me my job as premier so I will need something in return.”

Harper: “Well, how about I appoint you the new U.K. High Commissioner and you get to live in England?”

Campbell: “Works for me, I’ll be in touch.”

Well, as we know B.C. voters decided that the HST had to go as did Campbell, and we voted to get rid of it and him.  Seems strange that a tax that took only a couple of weeks to implement is taking two years to get rid of, but nevertheless it will be gone soon and Campbell has his cushy job.

Now Harper is a little annoyed with us B.C.ers so he decides to unleash his vindictiveness on us for voting out his HST by closing the Kitsilano Coast Guard station, putting lives on the line, and closing the Vancouver, Comox and Tofino marine communications centres, thus putting more lives at risk.

I am quite sure he is not done yet — stay tuned.

I would have thought that we would have earned some Brownie points by signing a new 20-year agreement to keep the RCMP here in B.C., which as we see and hear in the news just about every day, is turning out to be a huge mistake.

It’s another example of coersion by the Feds. B.C.ers should have had a vote on this too, instead of having this inept police force rammed down our throats for another 20 years.

No doubt this letter will elicit some very unkind remarks but the facts cannot be disputed. I guess the only way we can show Harper that we can’t be pushed around is to do our very best to get rid of him the next time we go to the polls.

That may be a tall order, as the Easterners usually decide who we get stuck with and Harper doesn’t seem to ever punish them in any way. Why wouldn’t they vote for him?



Langley Times