Prime minister targets Blackpool resident with his actions

I now know that Stephen Harper reads the Clearwater Times as well as the National Post

Editor, The Times:

I now know that Stephen Harper reads the Clearwater Times as well as the National Post as his current actions are nothing more than an attempt to anger me. Harper has really outdone himself internationally and domestically with his latest actions.

Internationally, Harper’s leading the G8 countries in condemning Russia’s annexation of the Crimea. Not content with this, he journeys to Kiev to give Canada’s full support to the terrorists who overthrew the elected prime minster in a recent coup.

To show his consistent, inconsistent approach, domestically he attempted his own coup on the Canadian Supreme Court by attempting to install his hand-picked man from Quebec on the court, ignoring the rules and process for that event. Is there no limit to this man’s hypocrisy?

Oh that we had impeachment in our system that we might correct this appalling mistake we call a prime minister. Failing this weapon we must use our vote to correct this alliance mistake in 2015 because Harper is in way over his mandate.

Wes Morden


Blackpool, B.C.



Clearwater Times