Prince Rupert has Kitimat beat on bad buildings

A reader weighs in on Kitimat's efforts, or lack thereof, to get rid of broken down buildings.

Dear sir,

Oh no you say. “Her again.”

Well yes, but I only write when something needs saying.

Everyone receives The Northern Connector, but not everyone receives the Northern Sentinel. However, I have to comment.

The article on page four of the Connector, regarding Prince Rupert removing ‘Another Unsightly Residence’, was in the June 1 issue.

This is the second time Prince Rupert had the ‘you know whats’ to take down an unsightly premise.

It was only a year or so ago they did this as well.

Now I have been told that “unsightly is only a person’s opinion,” and what is unsightly to one is not to another.

Well, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has seen many unsightly premises in this community. Also noted by visitors to the area, and council continues to hide behind policies, bylaws and lawyers.

Can none of you stand up and take some responsibility to have these eyesores removed?

Take a drive around town and you will know where these areas are.

If you don’t see them you don’t have your eyes open.

If council doesn’t want to go for a drive I’d be happy to send them a list of this community’s eyesores.

These places are not heritage sites, they are garbage sites.

Obviously no one pays any attention to what I say as I have written on this subject March 22, 2007; July 7, 2009; April 7, 2011; and one other time when Prince Rupert took down a building.

Remember when, a few years ago, one councillor wanted to paint murals on an unsightly premise so the surrounding neighbours had something different to look at? Imagine!

It appears that Prince Rupert’s administration can draft a bylaw that helps the building inspector and fire chief identify unsightly and unsafe premises.

Perhaps Kitimat could consult with Prince Rupert’s planner when he is home in Kitimat on a weekend.

One good comment — the gardens around town are looking nice and good to see the fountain up and running again. (And it’s not even close to election time!)

Keep smiling, I’m watching and listening.

Roma Burnett

P.S. What happened to the mayor’s ‘unsightly premises’ task force from her re-elect promises list?

Kitimat Northern Sentinel