Priorities for an age-friendly Cranbrook

Priorities for an age-friendly Cranbrook

Cranbrook Age Friendly Advisory Committee survey identifies key concerns

Cranbrook Age Friendly Advisory Committee Update

The Cranbrook Age Friendly Advisory Committee would like to take this opportunity to update the residents of Cranbrook on what we have been doing since the Community Assessment Survey closed September 8.

The reviewed survey data identified priorities according to the 719 survey participants. These priorities are:

• Housing was indicated at a first priority 50% of the time. Far above others.

• Community Support and Health Services was the second priority.

• Outdoor Spaces and Public buildings were third. Followed closely by Transportation.

The survey report summary can be found at or on YouTube at

The committee is busy compiling the Age Friendly Action Plan and will be holding a stakeholder meeting to identify partners to assist in completion of the Action Plan in November. The Action Plan will be a living document that will be reviewed monthly, revised as necessary, accomplishments celebrated and shared with the community often.

This Action Plan will be the plan to make Cranbrook an Age Friendly City, prepared to meet the challenges of changing demographics in the future.

The Final Report and Action Plan will be shared with the community in late November or mid-December 2018. Stay Tuned!

You can contact us at or email at Like us and follow us on Facebook at Cranbrook Age Friendly Advisory Committee.

Submitted by Doug Newberry

Vice Chair/Cranbrook Age Friendly Committee

Cranbrook Townsman