MAPLE POOL TENANTS Roy Brooks, left, and Don McWilliam are pictured with campground co-owner Dali Lin.

MAPLE POOL TENANTS Roy Brooks, left, and Don McWilliam are pictured with campground co-owner Dali Lin.

Priorities misguided for Maple Pool Campsite in Courtenay

Dear editor,

Mr. Clancy asked me to endorse his views on the situation on Maple Pool.

Dear editor,

Mr. Clancy asked me to endorse his views on the situation on Maple Pool.

I am very happy to do so and would appreciate you making known my support of him and an effort to resolve the situation to the satisfaction of the owners and residents.

It’s clear that up to now, finding a solution to keep more than 50 vulnerable members of our community from becoming homeless and allow them to stay at Maple Pool isn’t a priority at city council.

It seems that Maple Pool representatives working on a solution to the problem have been unable to obtain important information and data from the City which they need to complete key engineering work so that approvals can be obtained to perform the work necessary on the property by local volunteer, progressive business leaders.

They were also unsuccessful in being allowed to meet with staff and council to discuss their progress and other pertinent matters.

Presumably that’s because council is too busy with other more important issues. Issues such as their initiative to allow a mass attendance of city council to conventions and conferences, no matter the cost, driven by Coun. Ambler and supported by all of council except Mayor Jangula.

They were also busy pandering to the bicycle group who are seeking more taxpayer funded support for their bicycle bridge proposal, even though we have already spent more than $70,000 on a very questionable project.

This was again driven by Coun. Ambler and only opposed by Mayor Jangula and Coun. Winchester.

It’s sad to see that city council’s misguided priorities are driven by an entitlement agenda and not by a desire to make our community a better place for all of us.

R. Chandler,

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record