Priorities of some Comox councillors misplaced

Dear editor,
According to recent accounts in the local newspapers, the Comox councillors can't seem to come to an agreement regarding the passing of the proposed and long-worked-on Official Community Plan.

Dear editor,According to recent accounts in the local newspapers, the Comox councillors can’t seem to come to an agreement regarding the passing of the proposed and long-worked-on Official Community Plan.From Coun. Fletcher, who openly declares she does not need to go to public hearings as she has already made up her mind (so much for the democratic process) to Coun. MacKinnnon (Mr. Dithers) having an epiphany between one meeting and the next regarding one-10th of a hectare, thus forcing another public hearing and another vote in council.Where is the respect for the taxpayers?Some members of the Comox council appear to be more concerned about if and where posters should be placed for the upcoming election and about their own public images than taking care of the business they were elected to do.Thankfully, the electorate will have an opportunity to have their say in November concerning Coun. Fletcher and Mr. Dithers, posters or no posters.K. McVey,Comox

Comox Valley Record