Prioritize city spending

City should provide expected costs of needed repairs for all collapsing sewers and road repairs in Penticton for the next 10 years

It is no wonder Penticton has so much controversy over waterfront enhancement. When looking at the setup of the committee, one sees members for the marina, tennis club, yacht club, SS Sicamous, two councillors of which one is a tennis pro, that does not live in Penticton, a chamber rep and three members of the community. Five committee members constitute a quorum. A simple vote count favours change over prioritization of Penticton’s hard-earned tax dollars.

The recent comments of a member of this committee, Coun. Gary Litke, is not a service to the community. We have lots of money for this. Rates are low, we can also borrow, etc.

Pardon me?

How about prioritizing tax dollars based on need? How about paying down the debt?

It seems Gary Litke has been in office so long he has gotten hooked on spending other people’s money.

We recently had road work done because our sewer (65 years old, my estimate) was collapsing. I would like an estimate on the total expected costs of needed repairs for all collapsing sewers and road repairs in Penticton for the next 10 years published and released to the public before we embark on any more airy-fairy feel-good projects. This should include all collapsing sewers, not just the ones slated in the budget to fix. All sewers past a certain age must be considered in need of replacing and should be included in this estimate and all related costs such as road resurfacing and repairs.

Elvena Slump





Penticton Western News