Private comes out on top of P3

Dear editor,

Once again the issue of our new hospital brings up financing through a public, private partnership.

Dear editor,

Once again the issue of our new hospital brings up financing through a public, private partnership.

If ever a statistically likely issue of medical care being sacrificed for the sake of profit was raised, this is it.

In Canada and the States the hospitals with the worst records for patient care are those with P3.

Did no one in VIHA investigate the likelihood of dirty rooms, poor food, exorbitant parking charges, etc. in a P3?

Besides the location in a poor traffic circulation pattern complicates things for emergency care as well.

In public private partnerships it seems the private always comes out on top.

If anyone can refute me, I challenge them now, and in the future to do so!

William Ouellette,



Comox Valley Record