Private docks belong in our maritime community

A well-designed and constructed dock is simply a fulfilment of the wonders of Nanaimo.

To the Editor,

Re: Proposed dock raises concerns, June 30.

I drove to the site, looked at it from Neck Point Park, and noted the existing private mooring buoys south of the proposed dock and wondered what justified the complaints about the proposal. For me, a longtime boater and an avid fan of the unique appeals and rewards of living in our ‘Harbour City,’ a well-designed and constructed dock is simply a fulfilment of the wonders of Nanaimo.

This is a maritime community: defined by it historically and today distinguished by it as Nanaimo is increasingly important to so many on their way to Desolation Sound or Alaska (or returning home); or to the Gulf Islands, which we bookend with Victoria. These are wondrous credits to the reputation and role of our city; and now we challenge an appropriate expression of our love affair with the Salish Sea and all it invites. How sad. Is it the family’s ability to create a private dock, or the fear of others working within the law and environmental guidelines who may wish to follow suit? And why not – direct access is such an enhancing experience for anyone living on our coastline.

Personally, I salute the project and admonish those reviewing it to approve it; thereby underlining our shared commitment and enlightened use of the resource that is our city’s coastline. It proves everything we like to believe about ourselves while demonstrating another way in which Nanaimo is unique and so appealing.

Dale R. PartridgeNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin