Private gain happening at the expense of public pain

Dear editor,

Well, here we go again.

Now we learn the cleanup of the horror of Lac-Mégantic will be paid for by Canadian taxpayers.

Dear editor,

Well, here we go again.

Enough that banks can take your deposits (Harper’s June 2013 budget), now we learn that the cleanup of the horror of Lac-Mégantic, will be paid for by the taxpayers of Canada and Quebec.

Why? Because the company that caused the problem is broke.

We have all kinds of pipelines coming to the coast and Enbridge wants another one.

Beside the fact that any oil spill cleanup cannot return the area to its original state (or restore lost lives), oil companies and their pipeline friends might not have enough to pay for the cleanup.

That means privatize the profits and socialize the costs — private gain for public pain.

Cliff Boldt,



Comox Valley Record