Private money will spark change in Alberni

Private money will start changing things in Port Alberni and change will come, one reader says.

Private money will rule change

Re: New road not feasible idea, Letters, Oct. 11.

I know how often one likes to read the letters from Mr. Berg. But after reading his letter of Oct. 11, I can’t keep my opinion to myself.

From his past letters I get a sense that he has spent his entire life within the union movement. I myself belong to the steelworkers in Ontario. And let me say to Mr. Berg that the union cost me my job in the end.

He stated that this city is not fit for a container port. I come from an employment environment that rewards those who are willing to take chances. Let me say this to everyone that was born here or has lived here the past 50 years: things are going to change.

For the past year now I have been sending letters to the people who have the deep pockets for the kind of changes needed for the Valley. You might say this will not lead to any investment in the Valley; I say you are so wrong.

It’ll be the private investor that will change the hows and whats for this Valley, this Island and province.

It’s always easier to be negative; it’s harder to try and be positive than change the mind set of people living in the 1950s.

The new high school was a waste of our money, removing the old high school is a waste of money. I think it would be better to build apartments for those who have no chance of owning a home. That will create jobs.

I do see a container port for this Valley, plus many other businesses that no one is even thinking of. Look at the computer industry: it can operate at the North Pole. Why not try and build a robotic industry? How about a steel plant to provide fabricated steel to Alberta and elsewhere? How about a shipyard in the Valley?

I am quite sure that the shipping industry will be in need of new shipping to carry the oil for China.

Terry Short,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News