Problems plague EDPA review

Last week's EDPA open house confirmed to me that there are serious problems with the review being performed by Diamond Head Consulting.

Last week’s EDPA open house confirmed to me that there are serious problems with the review being performed by Diamond Head Consulting.

The review is woefully incomplete. Saanich limited the options in the questionnaire – rescind the EDPA law was not in the list, nothing even close to that was. Recall the review was defined by the very people who keep pushing the law – Saanich staff. That’s a conflict of interest, so the review cannot be independent.

As for what the poster boards said, I don’t see how you can reach a conclusion about people’s opinions from them, especially as they were prepared before the open house – prior to that DHC had only talked to insiders and collectives.

Diamond Head are trying, but don’t fully grasp what “independent” means, are not adequately informed, and are naive in general.

Saanich government continues to stumble.

Keith Sketchley


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