Procedure must be followed

I call on council to enact legislation requiring a minimum one months notice be given for motions to be introduced.

To the Editor,

Re: Council silent on incinerator, Editorial, Dec. 5.

Your editorial has missed the big picture of the frightening event which unfolded at council. The attempted skullduggery which could have haunted this council and subverted democracy for years to come.

At the very last minute possible Coun. George Anderson tried to slip a motion, which was not even on the agenda, through the back door before council was even brought up to speed.

The 25 placard-waving anti-waste facility protesters should not be concerned Anderson’s motion was tabled. More alarming is how Anderson tried to sneak their motion through without caring what their democratically elected colleagues, all city residents and fairness stand for.

I call on council to enact legislation requiring a minimum one months notice be given for motions to be introduced. So there will not be sinister surprises like this in the future.

J.C. BroderickNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin