Professional drivers replaced with ‘morons’

Editor: I have to disagree with the editorial in The Times (Jan. 21) about the fatal crash on 16 Avenue.

There needs to be more, and very strict, enforcement on all roads in B.C., not just 16 Avenue. Long gone are the days of the professional truck driver. They have been replaced in recent years with a bunch of morons who think they own the road.

I see it on Highway 1 every day while driving to and from work. They show reckless disregard for the safety of others on the road. These yahoos in their semi trucks drive as if they are in sports cars, weaving in and out of both lanes, passing other trucks on hills and driving in the left lane for kilometres on end (the slow traffic is to keep right).

I’ve seen them in the Fraser Canyon and on the Coquihalla, driving slowly up the hills only to speed down the other side as if to try and make up time. They do not move over to the right to allow other traffic to pass.

I guess that’s what comes with an attitude that “we move the goods you buy, so we own the road. Safety be damned.”

It is about time the police started issuing fines to these potential killers. There should be no tolerance for any driving infractions. Zero.

If they are speeding at anything 15 km/h or more over the speed limit, they should be parked for three days. And there must be heavy fines for additional infractions.

We need to have the public stand up and say “no more.” Let’s get these yahoos under control.

R. Jones,


Langley Times