Profit yes, but who benefits?

I find it ironic that Metro Parks feels that they can make some money by allowing services and businesses to start up in Metro Parks. They refer specifically to Aldergrove Lake Regional Park, which is as stupid is, as stupid does. There is no longer a lake in this park.


I find it ironic that Metro Parks feels that they can make some money by allowing services and businesses to start up in Metro Parks. They refer specifically to Aldergrove Lake Regional Park, which is as stupid is, as stupid does. There is no longer a lake in this park.

Metro Parks deemed the lake unsafe and destroyed it, knowing full well, years ago, that it was deteriorating.  The irony of this whole thing is that if they had given this lake the love and attention it needed back when the deterioration problems were identified, the services they are suggesting such as vending machines may have been a nice addition to a ‘tourist’ attraction.

Now they just want to put in vending machines and dog washing facilities. Not a lot of input has been received from the locals on this one, and once again this is Metro trying to find ways to take money out of our pocket without providing any substantial benefit to those of us in Aldergrove and the surrounding area.

What money is made through these ‘services’ would go into general coffers, and we all know that whatever goes into ‘general’ coffers is seldom seen outside the Vancouver ‘proper’ area.

Now having said that, if you go to the entrance off LeFeuvre there is a sign that ‘Aldergrove Lake Regional Park’ is intended to be a nature park….this to me does not include commercial business. We need more time to assess the plans and we need more input from those of us who will be impacted.

D. Atkinson. Aldergrove

Aldergrove Star