Progressive Conservative government not all bad

Dear editor,

Okay, I’ve had it, I’ve read enough from complainers.

Some in our midst are very good to fill the spaces available – i.e. Letters to the Editor – with negative remarks especially regarding our present federal government.

I wish there was a rule that when you complain that the writer has to balance it with praise. For children it’s unfair and wrong that they only hear how bad they are, it’s the wrong psychology to use and so it is for those who try to govern our country.

Complaining is easy but never constructive. “You say it best when you say nothing at all” is my favourite song. In our family circle we have 11 fathers who are the financial providers for our grandchildren. The Conservative government has been around most of their working lives and I have never heard any complaints from any of them. When I read the letter Reader fails to see anything conservative about the Progressive Conservative Party, by Marvin Haave, (April 16 Record), my thoughts turned to my sons and in-laws.

Understand me well, I don’t wear coloured glasses when it comes to “Ottawa” either. I too have a list! But let’s be fair, since Stephen Harper – and that is quite a few years now – has been our Prime Minister before and since the world economic crises in 2008, Canada has been doing very well. The U.S.A. is finally showing some improvement and Europe, except for Germany is still facing very difficult times ahead. Now after giving the government some excellent economic credit, let’s look at the negatives… A child is never 100 per cent bad and so is…oh who do we talk about? Here is a recipe from my wise father: mix the two together and we might not throw the baby out with the bathwater, because… will the replacement do a better satisfying governing job? Stephen Harper has his weak points, however, his strong card is economic strength, meaning money to pay the bills for our children.

Ary Sala,

Fanny Bay


Comox Valley Record