Promontory parents: Do you know where your teenagers are?

An open letter to the parents of teenagers that frequent the Promontory Heights Elementary Community School grounds and the surrounding area:

An open letter to the parents of teenagers that frequent the Promontory Heights Elementary Community School grounds and the surrounding area:

Do you know where your children are at midnight or later? Do you know where they get their liquor from? Your bar, maybe? I’m getting tired of cleaning up broken liquor bottles from the street the morning after some of these shenanigans.

To the residents on Promontory, are you tired of the screaming, hollering, loud stereos, the slamming of car doors at 2 a.m., the vandalism to the school building and its playground equipment (which deprives a lot of children of a safe place to play)? Why don’t you call the police to report these goings on? The police do not have a crystal ball to tell them where the problems are; they must rely on you and me to call in a report.

We must look out for each other. We must be aware of our surroundings and seek the necessary help when appropriate. The police do not know there is a problem (real or potential) if no one reports it. We each have to do it. If there is a problem situation, call it in. Don’t try to intervene yourself; call the trained professionals. Stop sitting on the sidelines and make the calls. The neighbourhood you save may be your own.


Barry Greenwood,


Chilliwack Progress