Proof to healthy living is in the eating

Editor, The News:Re: Pro-, prebiotics hit pocketbook (Health Care, Feb. 11).Dr. Marco Terwiel gives ample evidence of his prejudice and lack of knowledge of nutritional supplements  when he lumps all companies together.  All companies do not make false claims for the effectiveness of their products. Nor do all companies fail to stand firmly behind their money back guarantee. I agree  him when he says that there are products sold over the counter which are of questionable value for promoting good health. And he must be aware that Health Canada requires that some nutritional products must state on their labels: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”Probiotics are indeed digestive bacteria intended to assist in the digestive process in the lower intestine.  Prebiotics are simply the food to help in the stimulation and increase of the digestive bacteria. I have been using one  brand of nutritional supplements  for 32 years. I am in my 91st year and I am not using any prescription medication at all. My blood pressure is equal to that of a very healthy 25 year old male (my doctor’s words). My heart beat and cholesterol count are in peak condition. I sleep well. My eyesight, with glasses, is 20/20. I write several stories on many subjects, from memory and research,  each week on my computer. I have 400 plus of them in my data bank. I share them with many people on the internet and in my blog. And I have abundant energy. I have been studying nutrition for 30 years and I do not have any degree to prove it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.Dick HuntMaple Ridge

Maple Ridge News