Proportional representation is like a rubber duckie

Our democracy allows area voters to select a representative, from that area, to make decisions on their behalf.

Our democracy allows area voters to select a representative, from that area, to make decisions on their behalf.

Currently, such accountability is undermined by party. Proportional rep will eliminate area representation/responsibility. Like a rubber duckie, afloat on the opinion pond, no wings or legs, subject to current/waves/wind, unable to make its own way, tied by party line at the neck.

This is not progress, indeed it’s a reversal. PR will accelerate a return to “tribalism”, setting walls, divisions without tolerance; party before benefit to majority, with the unelected (unelectable) making decisions through party where no one is accountable. It slides us into the Third World very quickly.

Con men (women) gravitate to these positions, which angers many. Such anger has now been seen in the recent U.S. election, Brexit, Harper/Trudeau, and more to come in European elections. Europe is a good example of PR at work; ‘watered down’ bills, little change, anger and high costs, with countries governed by the least liked parties.

Retie ‘rubber duckie’ to area voters, add feet, wings, remove air; allow rep to swim, fly, float or sink. Have party be accountable to reps, not the opposite. Reps accountable to the majority not minority! PR sounds good, but is just the opposite in fact.


Bob Conibear


Cowichan Valley Citizen