A letter writer says this empty building in North Surrey should not be used to help recovering addicts or people released from jail.

A letter writer says this empty building in North Surrey should not be used to help recovering addicts or people released from jail.

Proposal the last thing area needs

Neighbour recoils at idea of recovery centre in North Surrey.

I have just read the proposal for using the empty building on 104 Avenue near 142 Street for treating drug addicts and just-released prisoners.

At first, I thought this was an early April Fools joke, but then realized it was an actual proposal and almost fell off my chair.

What a ridiculous idea to bring all the low-life and criminal types into a large residential area. Can you imagine all the shopping carts and tent people now converging around here?

In no way should this be approved.

This kind of facility should be in an area away from residents, in a large business area with large company lots, and a lot of fences and gates.

Or in a place with large fields around or near the food bank, not on 104 Avenue.

Mayor Hepner and council must not approve this proposal. I will fight this with everything I have and hope everyone living around this area will also voice a strong disapproval of such a crazy proposal.

It must never happen. I don`t want to have to buy two pit bulls to protect my property.


Derek Coughtrey, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader