Proposed changes will hurt students

Dear editor,

It has come to the attention of myself and many other concerned parents of the Comox Valley that the SD 71 is proposing many changes to our school district for this coming September. These changes are being done to try to address the significant financial shortfall of our district (approx. $2.2 million). The change that is ruffling the most feathers is that of the proposed four-day school week.

The impacts this would have on our children are huge! The kids will be losing out on valuable learning in the classroom, only to supposedly gain extra hours to an already long day. These hours in my opinion will not be effective as the children only have so many hours of concentration in a day before they shut down. I feel that this will also take time away from students that could use the extra help and may not have the supports at home needed to assist with their learning needs. This generation in many ways is already struggling to get the education needed to compete with the global economy for post secondary education and jobs, they do not need more cut backs.

As a community it is important to recognize the effects on our children and the upcoming generation. Some may feel that this is not a huge deal, however, it is the long-term effects on our children’s learning and education that is at stake. This year’s financial shortfall loses them a day in the classroom; what will next year bring? Even less class time, fewer programs, or more cutbacks to our needed teachers and learning supports.  Now is the time people need to take a stand and let the government know that this is not okay. These kids need an education.

Joanna Rutti

Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record