Proposed Enbridge Pipeline Hearings Underway By Review Panel; “Ecosystem ≠ Egosystem”

A letter to the editor about pipelines in British Columbia.

What about the voices of the animals?  The whales?  Wolves?  Spirit Bears? Salmon?  Seals?  Grizzly Bears?  Birds?  Insects?  What about their voices?  Are you listening for them at all? I am.  I hear them, every day.  They are crying out “STOP!  PLEASE!  Pay attention.  There is NO going back.”

And what about the voices of the people, animals too, who want to live with these other voices?  Who have chosen to co-exist in harmony with the land and its ways?  What about those of us around the world?

How can it be that choices are made by “Owners” and “Decision Makers” that are least affected?  How can anybody or anything say “We need this”?  Building pipelines over mountains and across pristine rivers, lakes and forests to ship Tar Sands oil to China and other foreign countries is not needed any more than a fish needs a bicycle.

Northern BC and the West Coast host extreme biological diversity and intact, healthy ecosystems.  The coastline is an Eden in my mind; a refuge that I visit in my heart and soul and entire being through knowledge of its very existence.  I want my great-great grandchildren to be able to visit this ecological wonder – intact – unmarred by the scars of human extractions.

Enbridge Inc., the company behind the proposal, is based in Calgary, Alberta.  A hop-skip-and jump away from us in Golden.  A few locals will join the 4000 plus public to participate in the auditory hearings when the panel arrives in Calgary.   Even this process has been accused of being marred by human bias.  I feel we have a responsibility to let our neighbours know that what they are asking for is too much.  Way too much.  SO much that it is absurd.

Please, PLEASE, do not do this.  Please do not let this happen.  Recognize a land ethic, as Leopold referred to it.  Was he radical to point out our innate responsibility to each other, to other species, to our planet?  Some things are not worth the risks.  The proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline and accompanying tankers are such examples.

If you would like to contribute a letter of comment for the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline and learn about the review process visit:

To view a map of the proposed pipeline, learn some facts about the track-record of this company and find out about efforts to oppose the plan visit:

Sadie Parr

Golden, BC


Golden Star