Protect cow moose in Region 5 before it’s too late

Letter writer makes case for cow moose protection in the region before it's too late.


When will it be too late? Or does anyone even care?

Some call me ugly, but I am really a beautiful magnificent animal. That is right, I am a cow moose.

And it is time for us to speak up for ourselves.

Most of the time I am considered slow and fearless.

If you read the B.C. Hunting synopsis there’s not even any open hunting for me.

And according to the synopsis: “the first priority of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is to ensure the longterm conservation of wildlife populations and their habitat.

All B.C. residents are required to comply with these hunting regulations.

Now for us cow moose or antler-less, we’ve been closed in Region 5, believe it or not, for “all B.C. residents” for 25 years or more.

But we are being poached in big numbers and are disappearing fast.

Every spring we are the ones that will faithfully bear beautiful calves for all your future generations for years to come. We moose also have to work hard to survive every day of the year.

Winter months and predators are always taking our numbers down.

The hunting season in Region 5 is open approximately three months for many different species.

Surely, if you are any kind of a hunter that should be plenty of time to harvest your table fare, excluding us cow moose.

Our future depends on each hunter’s behaviour and ethics.

Respect us, obey the law, and try to pass on an ethical hunting tradition.

Unfortunately, my time is done.

On Nov. 2, 2014 at the 2356 km or Moffat Lake Forest Service Road, the life was taken out of me and my unborn calf.

I was about an eight-year-old cow moose. I lived on Moffat Creek all my life.

Every year I gave birth to one or two beautiful calves.

I could have had 12 to 16 calves in my life time and their offspring even more.

To the people who shot me, I only hope you feel ashamed.

You are the ones taking life from future generations and you will most likely be the ones whining when we are all gone.

Please stop and think about what you are doing.

I call out all the people who control our wildlife and wellbeing to please stop the killing of antler-less moose.

It’s been going on too long, we should be protected immediately.

In all of Region 5 the population looks pretty bleak.

Come to our woods and see for yourself.

Wouldn’t it be nice if your grandchildren could enjoy moose for whatever reason they choose to years to come?

Dan Simmons

Williams Lake



Williams Lake Tribune