Proud B.C. politics

Is this not reminiscent of the Stephen Harper government’s attempt to convince us what a wonderful job they were doing?

I understand that there is a provincial election coming up, but am I the only one annoyed by the waste of money on the never-ending barrage of T.V. commercials coming out under the guise of information called

Is this not reminiscent of the Stephen Harper government’s attempt to convince us what a wonderful job they were doing by spending $140 million of the taxpayers money on Canada’s Economic Action Plan?

I did check with our local MLA’s office and was informed that the Christy Clark government had budgeted for $4 million for this purpose. I would be surprised if they remained within that budget.

We have a premier who sees nothing wrong in going to the trough for an additional $50,000 because she is entitled to it, even though her salary as premier is $199,000 a year. This happens to put her in the same rough salary bracket as the prime ministers of Japan, the United Kingdom and France. She also sees nothing wrong with taking two real estate agents with her on her latest Asian trade mission. What might their role have been?

Clark now says it is time for bold action on housing affordability. Is this because the federal government has just come up with $150 million for this purpose? Or is it due to the mayor of Vancouver saying they will go it alone if the province continues to do nothing? Maybe an election on the horizon plays into this?

So do we believe Clark when we know that her government made $1.49 billion on property transfer sales? How are we doing with the trillions of dollars in LNG that she promised during the last election?

Michelle Stilwell still doesn’t get it when it comes to the disability bus pass program, even with the latest changes.

I fear we should not laugh too loud about the presidential choices south of the border when we look at our own political options in B.C.

Wayne SearleQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News