‘Proud Canadian’ dismayed with Snowbirds negativity

Dear editor,

As I read the various statements by individuals regarding the influx of population or the noise of the Snowbirds, I feel saddened that we do not see these as symbols of freedom of our country.

One of the most cherished things about living in Canada is our freedom to live or work anywhere we wish. The Snowbirds symbolize to me the freedom and national pride that we have fought for in several wars! Every time these symbolic planes fly over my home a tremendous feeling of pride comes over me.

I have lived in five provinces over my lifetime. I have never encountered the attitude of those few individuals in the Valley that feel people from other provinces shouldn’t be allowed to move to the Comox Valley. The people who settled the Valley over the past 100 years came from other countries never mind other provinces… how quickly we forget.

It’s a sad day when an old adage comes to mind “We can’t see the forest for the trees”.

Snowbirds, fly over my home anytime you wish.  Canadians from other provinces or other areas of British Columbia ….Welcome!

My community is my Canada! I am a very proud Canadian.

Ginny Watkin

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record