Providing accurate insight on Houston paramedics


Letter to the editor


I’m writing in response to the article published June 16 in the Houston Today about the retirement of two long-time paramedics and the impact on the Houston community.

I would like to correct the information in the article and give more accurate insight into paramedics and the ambulance service in Houston.

First, let’s give proper credit to the retiring paramedics. The article said “combined 39 years” of service for retiring paramedics Steve Bryant and Michalle Brown. The actual total years of paramedic service is 73. Bryant worked for 39 years and Brown for 34. This is an accomplishment in any profession and a remarkable one for an emergency first responder career.

In terms of staffing, Station 767 in Houston has recently hired three new paramedics to work in the community. In addition, three paramedics based out of Houston have recently completed their Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) training, and two more members are close to finishing their own PCP training.

Paramedics have several different licencing levels, including Emergency Medical Responders, Primary Care, Advanced Care and Critical Care.

Houston currently has 16 members with a mix of licencing levels, as well as two PCP Community Paramedics – all of whom enjoy working, serving and caring for the community of Houston.


Kimm Verbeek, PCP Paramedic, Station 767

Houston Today