Province failing to protect children by allowing work

Some years ago, the provincial Liberal government passed legislation allowing children of 12 years of age and over to join the workforce.

To the Editor,

Some years ago, the provincial Liberal government passed legislation allowing children of 12 years of age and over to join the workforce, needing the signature of only one parent.

Thus children still in elementary school could work up to 20 hours a week, for anyone willing to hire them.

Is anyone really surprised that a 14-year-old, along with many other employees, was found working removing asbestos insulation while totally unprotected?

Apparently this job went on for some time, despite inspections and warnings and minor fines by WorksafeBC.

Approximately 50 workers die every year in this province due to working around asbestos.

It took quite some time to shut this employer down. He received a mere two months in jail and that was only because he was found guilty of criminal contempt of court – precisely the same charge and approximately the same penalty a civil disobedience protester often incurs.

Is this yet another example of the provincial “Families First” strategy?

Dave Cutts


Nanaimo News Bulletin