Province gambling with resources

The province is now gambling that there will be a jackpot win through exporting large quantities of natural gas.

To the Editor,

Re: B.C. hooked on gambling, Editorial, March 18.

As a former provincial problem gambling counsellor I whole-heartedly agree.

And I would go further than your editorial suggests. Not only does the province rely on funds from gambling, liquor and tobacco, it is now gambling that there will be a jackpot win through exporting large quantities of natural gas. The odds are hugely stacked against such a win; yet by putting all of its (our) eggs into one basket while ignoring the other baskets that actually do generate local jobs, and improve local economies, local schools, the environment and family life, we will all end up the losers.

If only we could get Christy Clark and her party to sign up for the voluntary self-exclusion program, before it’s too late.

But, as you pointed out, they seem unable to kick the habit.

Ian GartshoreNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin