Province ignores timber issues

The logging and clearcuts in the Skeena West and exporting is extensive with no thought of impacts.

Dear Sir:

A special committee of four Liberal MLAs and three NDP MLAs is touring 15 B.C. towns hit hard by mountain pine beetles.

The question we have for the seven MLAs is: why did they bypass the Skeena West areas and the Kispiox forest districts?

The problem is not only the pine beetle infestation by all means. The eight sawmills that have closed and the 20 per cent or more drop in timber supply in the people’s observations is caused by the export of logs to China.

The logging and clearcuts in the Skeena West and exporting is extensive with no thought of impacts on archaeological sites, animal and fish habitat, the visual quality objectives and other factors that are in the park and protected areas initiatives that are not considered when it comes to the export of our natural resources.

The changes proposed by the committee and its so-called “set asides” needs to go back to all areas for public review.

And all those who were involved with the park and protected areas initiatives to be called back to the table by the local Ministry of Forests before the committee endorses anything that has to do with scenic areas, old growth stands, wildlife corridors, areas close to wetlands and botanical forest products.

Mary G. Dalen, Cedarvale, B.C.



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