Province isn’t the climate leader it purports to be

The only thing that can save us is to start looking for politicians who are not motivated by greed, and have integrity.

To the Editor,

I hear many who praise Christy Clark in her way of handling our pollution problem. I think Clark has got to be among the top 10 most guilty for aiding and abetting pollution in the entire world. No carbon tax increase, the only thing she is going to increase is more pollution.

We don’t use much coal in B.C., we just sell it to Asia so we can blame them for the pollution.

The two greatest polluters, coal and oil, have succeeded in putting our planet into a mode of self-destruct. The only thing that can save us is to start looking for politicians who are not motivated by greed, and have enough integrity to refuse to be merely the puppets of the manipulating corporate puppeteers. The unbelievable amount of wealth and power these corporations have amassed from the backs of the consumers, enables them to stand in the way of progress.  If it wasn’t for their lust for profit and power, this world would be well on it way towards clean and efficient fuel sources.

A sensible way could be found by just cutting back on fossil fuel production and slowly converting to clean energy sources, but as long as the corporate systems control the politicians, this will never happen.

John A. MartinNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin