Province just full of energy potential

B.C. has so much untapped hydroelectric energy potential that it’s easy to forget the many other untapped green energy sources B.C. has.

With massive wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, wave and tidal energy potential, on top of the province’s considerable hydroelectric resources, B.C. really is the energy envy of the world.

B.C. now has a couple of operational wind farms, with more due to come on line over the next couple of years. But it was only very recently that B.C.’s considerable wind energy potential was finally tapped into.

Biomass energy is also poised to contribute significantly to B.C.’s green energy supply.  And B.C.’s potential for solar, wave and tidal energy are also being explored seriously.

But what about geothermal energy? B.C. has Canada’s greatest potential for geothermal energy due to its location along the Pacific Rim ring of fire. Numerous hot springs around the province attest to BC’s geothermal potential.

B.C.’s hydroelectric potential is a great and wonderful thing, and there is more of it than can ever be used to meet B.C.’s own needs.  But let’s not forget about the rest of B.C.’s massive and equally wonderful green energy potential.

South of the border, the Americans are already tapping geothermal energy along their west coast and producing a considerable amount of electricity.  Why not B.C., too?


Donald Leung


Surrey Now Leader