Province needs to develop clean energy sources

Emphasis on natural gas will detract from renewable options

No one can disagree that natural gas produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions than coal or oil. Likewise, there is no point questioning the fact that natural gas can play a role in transitioning the world away from more carbon-intensive fossil fuels.

However, I would disagree with anyone who believes we can build a long-term clean energy strategy around natural gas.

In fact, if we place too much emphasis on natural gas, it will invariably slow the development of the renewable clean energy sources we really need, just as a report from David Suzuki recently pointed out.

Natural gas has a place in reducing GHG emissions. It’s also a major revenue source for the province.

However, our province’s clean energy resources could also become a major revenue source if we were to develop them, and the revenue they could potentially generate could surpass the revenue being generated by our non-renewable natural gas resources.

Fred Reemeyer



Victoria News