Province should fire warning shot

"I don’t think we could ever actually deny the U.S. access to our water, as it would ultimately lead to an invasion."

Re: U.S. ripping us off on water, (B.C. Views Trail Times Jan. 6).

This is an issue all of B.C. should have the same view on and an extremely important one at that. Energy Minister Bill Bennett should have given the 10-year notice to exit the agreement.

I don’t think we could ever actually deny the U.S. access to our water, as it would ultimately lead to an invasion. We should however fire the warning shot that we want a fair dollar for the resource.

Having just flown back from Puerto Vallarta, I saw nothing but desert out my window for almost the entire trip until we got into Washington state. Lake Mead, created by the Hoover Dam, is so low on water that the dam is almost useless and California is screaming for more to feed the crops.

We pay top dollar for the produce from there and yet give them the water for pretty much free. It’s totally crazy and will only get worse. The time to act is now.

Thanks for highlighting this ridiculous situation that I’ve ranted on about for decades to mostly deaf ears.

Matt TaylorSaanich

Trail Daily Times