Province to be commended

Principled policy position deserves more plaudits.

Dear editor,

I had to laugh when it was revealed by B.C.’s Environment Minister that the impetus for the province to seek intervener status in the Enbridge pipeline process, as opposed to government status, came from an offhand comment by an NDP MLA.

As it turns out, intervener status gives the province way more flexibility to pose questions to other participants in the process, including Enbridge, than government status does. Considering the criticism the NDP and others have directed at the province for supposedly not taking an active role in the Enbridge process, the Minister’s revelation is highly ironic.

It also shows that the province has done a lot more work, been a lot more involved, and given a lot more thought to the pipeline issue than anyone has previously given them credit for. And the end result is a well-considered, well-documented, and principled policy position.

Donald Leung


North Island Gazette