Provincial budget

Letter writer questions the actions of the provincial government

I am sure that Christy Clark is very happy to present us with a balanced budget.

Of course she doesn’t indicate what cuts had to be made in order to achieve this result.

Perhaps she can indicate to me how I am able to balance my walking with only one usable leg. The other is crippled by arthritis.

The surgeon has indicated to me it will be a year before my knee can be replaced so this means a year of constant pain and an inability to walk  without a cane.

I challenge her to try and walk with a cane and try to keep her balance. I wouldn’t mind if she wasn’t so cocky about the budget being balanced.

When she made her trip to India, she should have taken me along as I understand my leg could have been fixed there with very little waiting time.

Actually her air trip could have paid for the operation anywhere but Canada.


Judy Vandergucht




Vernon Morning Star