Provincial columnist perhaps too cynical

Columnist on the negative side of anything anti-NDP.

To the Editor,

Re: Imagining a government under NDP, B.C. Views, April 26.

“The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming” was from a movie in 1966 which capitalized on the widespread fear of a communist takeover, or possibly outright destruction, and had us literally hiding under our desks at school.

Those days of the so-called ‘Red Menace’ are long gone, but in the minds of some, such as Tom Fletcher, the good fight must still be fought, and with one eye on the underside of his cubbyhole at work.

You can always count on Fletcher to be on the negative side of anything remotely associated with labour in general, (teachers and hospital workers in particular), the environment, of course (all those educated people who know nothing) social justice and equality.

Too broad a brush perhaps? I’m sure there must be something of the ‘love thy neighbour’, or ‘all for one, one for all’ ethos within Fletcher’s makeup, but in reading his diatribe, I find little evidence of it.

I am proud to espouse the aims of a social democracy in promoting a sustainable environment, a strong labour movement to protect and advocate for all working people and also the promotion of an educated and responsible citizenry for the benefit of everyone.

Did it ever occur to Fletcher that sheer incompetency, deception and a seeming lack of any discernible plan going forward, would be enough to throw out the Liberals?

Yes, of course I support the New Democratic Party.  They advocate for the things I believe in, and the way I try to live my life.

In view of the writer’s wilful attacks, distortions, and use of selective “facts” when discussing matters of the “left”, I’ll assume he was either spurned by a long-haired beauty of the ’60s, or is comfortably situated within the status quo.

Myself, I will continue to read his articles for the jaundiced humour they provide for me, but always with a tinge of sadness at the all-encompassing cynicism he represents.

John LeGrow


Nanaimo News Bulletin