Provincial gov’t value public education

Letter writer says that students will be the ones who are hardest hit.

Re: School budget hits CUPE hard (The News, April 11).

I was full of negative emotions when I read the above. Of course, the students will be the ones who are hardest hit.

Those who are in charge of our school district (and all school districts) are fairly well educated, as are our teachers.  They must be aware that there is an increasing amount of discussion about the problem of the disparity between the highest and lowest paid in an organization.

They also must be aware of the fact that the highest-paid employee in the school district could not possibly do his or her job without all those below her/him doing their jobs.

This goes down to the school level.

Principals couldn’t do their job without teachers, secretaries and custodial services. And teachers couldn’t do their jobs without special education assistants.

Until a government is elected that shows it values public education by funding it properly, shouldn’t all those in charge of salaries and wages look at a fairer way to set contracts?  If, as an example, a three per cent increase is granted district-wide – to those receiving salaries or wages. Those who need it most will benefit least.  Add to the insult of current practices the fact that hours of the lowest paid employees are being cut back, and the inequity is increased.

How much fairer it might be if all increases were the same flat dollar amount – everyone would get an increase, but those at the bottom of the scale, those who need it the most, would receive a larger percentage than those at the top.

It is most unfortunate that our government doesn’t value public education, because eventually our whole society will suffer.

Sheila Pratt

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News