PST rules won’t change

Jordan Bateman is wrong; our government is returning to the PST with the permanent exemptions in place

Editor, The Times:

Re: “Panel goes after families with TV, snack and school supply taxes” in the Jan. 3 issue

Jordan Bateman is wrong; our government is returning to the PST with the permanent exemptions in place, just as we committed following the 2011 referendum.

We have been clear: the PST will return on April 1, 2013, with all permanent exemptions. Consumers will again not pay PST on purchases like food, restaurant meals, bicycles, gym memberships, movie tickets, school supplies, and others, nor for personal services like haircuts.

The expert panel on business taxation was appointed in January 2012 to provide analysis and recommendations to the province on business tax competitiveness. The panel also recommended a number of procedural ways we could make the PST easier for businesses to administer, some of which we are able to put in place in time for the April transition.

Not surprisingly, the independent experts offered a wide range of suggestions, and the report deserves the public’s consideration. However, I can tell you categorically that government will not be expanding the PST as suggested by Mr. Bateman.

To get the facts on the return to PST, visit

Michael de Jong

B.C. Minister of Finance



Clearwater Times