Public consultation ongoing for Upper Clearwater plans

On behalf of Canfor, I would like to ensure the community understands that our planning work in the Upper Clearwater is

On behalf of Canfor, I would like to ensure the community understands that our planning work in the Upper Clearwater is ongoing and we have been working with the public through the Upper Clearwater Referral Group to design our harvesting activities in a way that is respectful of the Guiding Principles for forestry as they apply to the area.

Our company manufactures 240 million board feet of lumber a year at our Vavenby facility, employing 175 people and contributing more than $54 million to the regional economy every year.  Our business runs on harvesting trees and regenerating forests – and we know that we need to conduct our operations respectfully and sustainably. We firmly believe that we can run an economically viable operation while respecting the environment. To do that, we need the help and support of the community, and your collaboration as we plan our activities.

Letters sent to us and the media let us know the public is concerned about our plans, and while we take those concerns seriously, these letters don’t provide us with the level of information we need to make progress. We ask that concerned residents engage with us in the detailed work of reviewing plans that support the economy and our business while respecting the environment in the region.

As a next step in the planning process, Canfor staff and consultants are conducting terrain stability, hydrologic  and block specific assessments needed to ensure we can carry out harvesting and road building activities in a responsible manner.

The results of this work will be communicated to engaged residents as it becomes available.

Peter Baird, RPF

General Manager – Forest Planning

Canfor Forest Management Group

Clearwater Times