Public education is not a business

BC Liberal Government thinks public education is a business

To the editor:

The net-zero mandate the B.C. Liberal government gave this legislature really shows what it thinks public education is: a business.

Only in a business does money in have to equal or be greater than money out.

Premier Christy Clark needs to think of education as more of an investment, which is exactly what it is. Money that gets used to teach that Grade 1 student his or her alphabet will not be immediately returned.

It will take another 11 years until they graduate, and if that student decides to pursue post-secondary education, it may be another two to eight years before he or she becomes a part of the workforce and that investment begins to be returned.

If the government wants to think of public education as a business, then why not give it the same standards of private education. which is, more or less, a business?

This all comes down to respecting teachers, and the work they do for the community and the province.

You must know some people who were educated in public schools. Where would they be now if it weren’t for the education given to them by the teachers?

Where would any of us be? I don’t think I would be pursuing a career in engineering if it weren’t for the help and support of several teachers in high school, and if it weren’t for the love of English that many other teachers put into me, I doubt I would be pursuing English literature in my spare time.

Teachers can help us become the people we aspire to be, but only if they have the resources to do so. Right now, being in education is a labour of love – the love teachers have for education and helping others become educated – but it is about time they are recognized for their efforts.


Anne Simonen



100 Mile House Free Press